Language Arts
In reading this week our focus is on using sights words to read texts. Sight words, or high frequency words are words that are most commonly found in texts. As many of you were able to see during our conferences, it is important that the kids can name most of the sight words on the back of our homework, in order to master the goal of reading on a level C by the end of this quarter.
In writing, our focus has been thinking and writing like a scientist. Last week, we went on a nature walk. Using items each kiddo collected, the kids drew and wrote about each item. We focused on
-naming the object "This is a leaf"
-sharing an attribute about the object (color, shape, size, texture) "It is red"
-using a capital letter to begin each sentence
As with writing last quarter, we also continue to work on using the word wall to spell sight words, using spaces between each word, and using end punctuation.
Sight Words: said, we, in
You can support the mastery of these objectives at home by having your child identify any sight words they see in the world around them. Want to really 'ramp up' their motivation? Offer them a penny (or piece of candy) for every sight word they can correctly identify.
In math this week, we have been focusing on:
-identifying +1 (one more) and -1 (one less) patterns in numbers
Students have been creating groups that represent the numbers 1-10. The focus has been on getting them to see the pattern that each successive number is +1 more than the next number. For example, 2 is one more than 1, 3 is one more than 2, 4 is one more than 3 (and so on and so forth). Or, that 1 is one less than 2, 2 is one less than 3, 3 is one less than 4 (and so on and so forth).
-comparing numerals
In quarter 1, we focused on comparing groups of numbers. That is, a group of 3 birds vs a group of 5 birds. We used the words more, less, or equal to compare the groups of birds. In quarter 2, we are comparing just the numerals. For example, which is more 7 or 5? You can support your child at home by asking them to compare numbers found at your home (use the numbers on the oven clock, numbers in your address, numbers on a price tag) and ask them which one of these numbers is More? Less? Equal? Play the card game (you can use UNO cards that just have the number, but it is not necessary) "War", where each player outs down a card and whoever has more gets both cards.
You may have noticed that the reading homework has changed for this quarter. Again, the activities listed are specific to your child's needs, with a book that is also suited to your child's reading level. I have had some parents share that their child completes the 'packet' of homework in one night, which is fine. However, I do ask that one reading activity be completed each night. The reading activities listed are goals that your child will be assessed on at the end of the quarter. They are:
-first sound fluency (if applicable)
-reading behaviors (if applicable)
-95% mastery of a level C book
-nonsense word fluency (being able to sound out and say nonsense words)
-phoneme segmentation fluency (being able to break up words into individual sounds)
*I will be adding a new website/activity choice for your child to practice their sight words.
Click on
-find a list
-Type in my name (Shannon McGarry)
-Click on my name (it is listed under Lincoln Heights Elementary)
-Click on quarter 1 or quarter 2 sight words
-Click on games.
-choose any of the following games (spelling test me, hang mouse, spelling teach me, missing letter, or audio word matching. I would start with audio word matching)
Wallah! Your child has fun and gets to practice their sight word mastery!