Introducing our Super Improver Wall
Has your child told you about our 'Super Improver Wall'? If you have been in our classroom, you may have seen it on the wall near our cubbies. The wall has 7 different 'levels' and students must earn 10 stickers to move up to the next level. Students can earn stickers for various reasons including, solving conflicts with friends in appropriate ways, showing kindness, working hard to master a skill, and/or helping others to master a skill.
A letter will go home in your child's daily folder when they move up a level. Please use this opportunity to make a big deal, brag, celebrate your kiddo and encourage them to share what they did to earn the stickers😃
Language Arts
In reading this week, we continue to focus on identifying the character and setting in fiction books. We also continue to work on
-phoneme segmentation fluency (saying all the sounds you hear in a word)
-nonsense word fluency (saying the sounds and/or made up words)
-sight word fluency
You can support the 3 skills above by completing our weekly reading homework and choosing a different activity each night.
Sight Words: review week
Does your child already know all the sight words in the yellow homework packet? Are you looking for more words they can master? Please email me, and I will send home a second list.
In writing, we continue to explore various pattern books, including pattern books with no changes (I like to... on every page) and pattern books with 1 change (I like to... on every page except the last page, I do not like...). In fact, we added a page to our pattern books from last week and made them into a pattern book with one change. Lastly, we learned about 'See Saw' pattern books, where there is a question/answer pattern on each page (What do we learn at school? We learn about math). Later on in the week, we will use our understanding of pattern books to create opinion books (I like pizza because...) where we will state our opinion, and give a reason to support it. As always, we will continue to focus on correctly forming uppercase/lowercase letters, using sight words in our writing, using spaces between words, sounding out unknown words, using a capital letter at the beginning of each sentence, using mostly lowercase letters in a sentence, and using punctuation at the end of a sentence.
In math this week, we continue to hone in on our understanding of numbers in the teens 11-19.
-representing teen numbers with a group of objects
-using tens frames to represent numbers in the teens, so we can determine the 'partners' for the teen numbers.
-correctly writing numbers 11-20
At home, have your child use their collection of Matchbox cars, Barbies, super heroes, or whatever to represent a number in the teens. Have them arrange the group using a tens frame and have them tell you the partners that make up the number.
Thanksgiving Activities-donations needed
As part of our Thanksgiving Day unit next week, we will be focusing on long ago vs. today. To help us understand that how we get our food has changed from long ago vs. today, we will be making our own butter. To do this, we will need donations of the following:
-1 quart of heavy cream
-6 small plastic containers (can be found at the dollar store)
-1 pack of Saltine crackers (salted)
*Please email me if you are able to donate any of the above items. All donations are needed by Tuesday*
Interims going home this week
For those of you not familiar with interims, they are mid-quarter reports letting you know how your child is progressing halfway through the quarter. These reports will be going home in your child's daily folder on Friday. Please feel free to email and/or call me should you have any questions or concerns.