It's been awhile since I've had an "official" blog update. So, here's a snapshot of what we have been up to in the classroom.
In Math, we continue to work on...
-using one-to-one correspondence (touch counting) to count up to 10 objects in a line or objects that are scattered
-represent numbers with groups of objects
-determining if 2 groups of objects are more than, less, or equal
to each other
-using a tens frame to represent a numbers 1-10
This week, we are learning how to use a 5-group to represent numbers 6-10 and count on from 5. For example, if we are representing the number 7, we would represent it the following way:
5- group
Then, instead of counting and starting from 1, we would use the 5 group to count on from 5 and say, "5, 6, 7".
In reading, we continue to work on....
-using/understanding reading behaviors such as reading top to bottom, left to right, and page to page to read and enjoy stories
-using our understanding of print concepts (differentiating between a letter and a word, the first/last letter f a word) to read and enjoy stories
-Using the Letterland program to identifying the following uppercase/lowercase letters a, c, d, i, h, o, g, s, t, m, p, and 1 and their sounds
-"reading the illustrations" of a story
That it, looking at the illustrations of a story closely and creating words to match the illustrations.
-recognizing the sight words "I", "see" and "the"
Ask your kiddo for the gestures
In writing, we continue to work on
-using a combination of drawing, writing, and dictating to convey an idea or thought
-making sure the illustration that is drawn supports/matches the idea or thought shared
-labeling the picture with at least beginning sounds
-stringing along letters to represent a sentence that matches the illustration
Apple Day
We will be having Apple Day, Wednesday, September 24th. We will spend the day participating in apple themed, curriculum based activities. However, we will need a something from YOU to help make the day extra special. And that item guessed it....APPLES!! Red apples, yellow apples, and green apples are all needed. So, if you are out at the grocery store this weekend and see a few (or a bag), please think about buying some for our classroom:-)
Field Trip
Mr. Meares, our instructional assistant has been working diligently to collect and receipt the signed field trip forms and payments. If you haven't signed/returned the forms/payment, don't worry! You have next week to turn in the forms. However, please turn them in BEFORE track out, as we are going on our field trip the day after we return, October 21st.
Fall Festival
Our Fall Festival is Friday, October 26th. It is one of the most fun (in my opinion) fundraisers that our PTA during the year. There will be face painting, bounce house, food, and more! And speaking of more, there will also be an auction where each class will sell a themed basket. Our theme, as you probably know is "Baby Love". Thank you to everyone who has donated items including Candice Maher and Liza Kiger!
Things to keep an eye out for...
-Quarter 1 report cards coming home next Friday
-Sign Up form for Quarter 1 conferences
-volunteer opportunities
-Letterland Dress Up Day information