Monday, February 11, 2013

100th Day of School! (and more)

What a fantastic day!

We celebrated the 100th day of school in many ways. In the morning, we had centers where we     
-made necklaces with 100 pieces of Fruit Loops
-made our own trail mix for snack that had 100 pieces
-wrote about and ceated a picture that showed what we will look like when we are 100
Many thanks to everyone who donated items to make these activities possible. Also, a big thank you to Ms. Moose and Ms.Yancey for coming in to facilitate our centers. We could not have done it without you:-)

For indoor recess, the kiddos had their name picked from the 'stick jar' and were able to choose different activities to do for 100 seconds
-crawl (Jada)
-hop on one foot (Caleb)
-walk around the room (VeRon)

Later on in the afternoon, I challenged the kiddos to write 100 words and they succeeded!

Valentine's Day/Homework
On Thursday afternoon, we will be celebrating Valentine's Day by giving eachother valentine cards. Don't forget to send in your child's Valentine's Day box that will hold them. If for some reason, you will not be able to send a holder in, please let me know and I will make one for him/her.

Dental Awareness
February is Dental Awareness month. We will be celebrating it next week. We will have a dentist come in and share how to keep your mouth healthy. If possible, the next time you go to the grocery store, please pick up a weekly flyer (or two) and send it in to our class. This will help with an activity that shows the kiddos good/bad foods for your teeth. Thank you to Ms. Hood who send in some today:-)

Mystery Reader dates are finally here!
I've mentioned our "Mystery Reader" program before, and I am excited to announce I have finally set up some dates on . The Mystery Reader program is where a person related to one of the kiddos, surprises the class by coming in to read a story to our class. The less your little one would suspect this person come in (a grandma, grandpa, or parent who does not usually get to come in and help), the better. If you would like to know more, pop on over to and check out the details. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.

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