Language Arts
In reading this week, we are focusing on several strategies to help us read our books including:
-sight word mastery (the more words you know, the more books you can read)
-sounding out CVC words (that is 3 letter words with a vowel in the middle)
We have also been learning about digraphs (although the kiddos don't know that word). That is, two letters that, when combined make a one unique sound, such as 'sh', 'ch', and 'th'. Ask your child to tell you what sound these letters make when combined and have them show you the gestures as well.
Kindergarten students at Banks Road Elementary are expected to be reading on a level C or above by the end of quarter 3 (the end of March). Ms. Cassidy and I, and the rest of our support team are working hard each day to make sure your child will meet these benchmarks. Please help support your child master this goal by having them read to you each night for 10 minutes. Praise your little one anytime he/she uses the following strategies:
-sight word mastery
-sounding out unknown words
-using the picture to determine unknown words
-using understanding of digraphs to sound out words (sh, th, ch)
-flipping the vowel sound when a word doesn't make sense
Sight Words
Our sight words this week are 'got' and 'have'
Ask your child for the gestures for these words. If your child can identify all the sight words on his/her homework, please email me and I will send home a new list. As always, you can support sight word mastery at home by encouraging your kiddo to identify sight words whenever they see them. Heck, tell them they can earn a penny for every sight word they can identify. However, let me warn WILL be out of pennies before you know it!
In math this week, are continuing to share math stories. So far, we've learned 3 ways to share math stories including acting it out, drawing a picture, and using manipulatives.
In addition, we have also been working on determining 'partners' for numbers 1-5. For example, 1 and 4 are partners that make 5, 2 and 3 are partners that make 5, and 4 and 1 are partners that are 5. Getting the kiddos to understand the different ways a number can be made is the basis for addition.
Field Trip
Please make sure you have turned in money AND the field trip form for science field trip. Extra forms for students we do not have forms for went home in today's daily folder. Please email me should you have any questions or concerns.
Early Release Change
Due to the snow days, March 7th is NOW a full day.
Interim Reports
Interim reports will be going home next Friday. These reports are intended to inform parents how their child is progressing this quarter. Please know if your child is NOT meeting 3rd quarter benchmarks, your child may be retained. Please email me should you have any questions or concerns.