Wednesday, February 19, 2014

A little of this, a little of that...

Moonlight Reading
Our 'Moonlight Reading' night will be tomorrow night from 6:30-8pm at our school. There are lots of family friendly activities like flashlight reading and reading with therapy dogs. If you are looking for an excuse not to cook, our PTA will giving an opportunity to purchase a taco dinner for you and the family starting from 5:30-6:30. The book fair will also be open if you would like to buy books with your child. 

Language Arts
In reading, our goal this week is to work our sight word mastery which helps with our reading mastery. The kiddos know that the more sight words they know, the more books you can read. In addition, we have also focused on nonsense word mastery. This not only helps kids with letter/sound mastery, but also helps when a child is decoding a word and needs to determine if what they think the word is is an actual word or not (for example, make: a child might decode it and think it is make with a short a and e. That is not a real word, so then the child would have to try the word with a long a, which would make sense). 
In writing, we are finishing up our unit on 'how to' writing. This week, we are writing about how to brush our teeth. The kiddos are expected to know and write the materials they will need, as well as break up the task into small steps. As always, we are still focused on using capital letters the the beginning of each sentence, using mostly lowercase letters, spacing between words, sounding out unknown words using phoneme segmentation, using end punctuation, and using sight words in our writing. To support this objective at home, ask your child to tell you the steps to make cereal or pouring milk. Encourage them to tell what materials they need and use sequence words (first, second, third) to describe the steps in order. 
New Sight Words: one, day 
Older sight words: they, out, little 
Ask your child for the gestures for these words. See how many sight words they can find in the real world.
We have just finished up our mini-unit on positional words (above, below, next to, in front of, behind). The goal with these words was to have students use positional words in relation to other objects. For example, place the cylinder behind the chair, where is the cube, etc..
Today, we started a BIG unit on 'Math Stories' which help the students see how math (adding and subtracting) is found in everyday life. For example, I there are 2 boys in my family and 2 girls. So altogether there are 4 people in my family. Through sharing stories, our class realized that in order to have a good math story, you need numbers. So, just sharing a story that you ate pizza doesn't make a good math story, but sharing that you had 2 slices of pizza and your Dad ate 4 slices makes a great math story. Then, we can find out how many slices of pizza you and your Dad ate together. The goal of these early lessons is to introduce the kiddos to adding with real life scenarios. For now, we will be using only pictures to share our math stories and add (not equations: 2 + 4 = 6). To support this objective at home, see if you can come up with some math stories at home (dinner is always a good time for math stories). 

Donations Needed:
Next week will be Dr. Suess' birthday. In honor of his birthday, we will be doing some fun activities that connect to some of his well known books. However, I need a few items to do this
-2 bags of colored goldfish
-1 bag of cornstarch

Thank you
Thank you to Michelle Sourisak for being our Mystery Reader this week. 

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