Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I can't believe we're already halfway through the quarter....

Wow! Time really does fly....We are finishing up our 5th week of kindergarten, with only 4 more weeks left until the end of the first quarter.

The kiddos are really getting the hang of our routines and procedures from coming and sitting on the carpet to walking in the hallway. In fact, we received a compliment today about what a great job we were doing in the hallway!

Now that we have the above under our belts, we are able to dig into our objectives/goals....

Language Arts
In Letterland, we have just introduced Walter Walrus (w) and Fix-It Max (x) and the sounds each character makes. Ask your child to show you the gesture and sound for these characters. 
Quick side note* You tube has some fun Letterland videos that your kiddos might have fun watching. So, if they want to watch some TV, at least it reinforces what we do here at school:-)
In reading, we continue to work on:
-understanding print concepts (front cover, back cover, title page, one-to-one correspondence while reading, starting to read from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page)
-recognizing the following uppercase/lowercase letters c, m, a, h, d, g, n, o, s, i, p, and t. 
You can support these objectives at home simply by reading a book together. Let your child take the lead. Ask them where you should start reading. When you get to the end of a line, have them tell you where you should go. Finished the page? Ask them where to go next. Ask them to point to a letter that they know and tell you it's name. Want to bump it up? Have them tell you what sound the letter makes. However you do it, make sure it is fun. The more fun they have learning, the better!
We have also been slowly working on integrating literacy centers (Daily 5), as well. For those of you who are new to Daily 5, it is simply a structure that is created in class so students can be exposed daily to activities that help the kids be better readers. These are:
-Word work
Students work with words (right now they are working with their names, later on they will work with sight words) in various ways. For example, the students may write their name with play dough or in a rainbow with markers
-Listen to reading
Students listen to a pre-recorded story that is read fluently. Listening to stories being read fluently helps the little guys and girls understand how their reading should sound.
-Read to self
Reading daily helps the kiddos work on implementing their reading strategies that we work on in guided reading. At this point in the year, I have only introduced how to 'read the pictures', where students use the pictures from the book to tell the stories. Although looking at the pictures to tell a story sounds easy, it will be a key strategy we will focus on when we begin to read. As students begin to read the words in a book, we encourage them to use the picture to help them see if it matches what they are reading. 
The other Daily 5 centers will be introduced in the next few weeks. They are writing and technology.

In writing, we are continuing to work on:
-using a combination of drawing and dictating to relay an idea or thought 
-label our pictures with the first sound (or more) of a word

In math, we are continuing to work on:
-identifying numbers 1-10
-making groups that represent the numbers 1-10
-using one to one correspondence to count objects up to 10
-orally counting from 1-10
NEW this week:
-comparing groups of numbers 1-10
We are using the words 'more' and 'less' to compare groups of objects. Ask your child to share with you the gesture for these vocabulary words.
Want to reinforce this concept at home? Ask your kiddo to make a group of their Barbies (a blond group and brunet group). Have them use one to one correspondence to determine which group is more and which is less. 

In science, we are delving into our 'Physical Properties' unit (ask your kiddo to show you the gesture). That is, using an objects' physical properties (what it sounds like, looks like, smells like, feels like, and tastes like) to describe it. Last week, we went on a mini-field trip outside on the recess area and picked an object that fit in a small bag. Students were asked to describe their object using the object's physical properties. Later on in the week, we sorted the objects according to their physical properties. Want to support these objectives at home?  Send your little one on a treasure hunt. Ask them to find something interesting (inside or outside). Or, have them help to make their favorite dessert or dinner. Have them describe it using it's physical properties.
On a side note... As a culminating activity, I would like to use one of those old fashion popcorn poppers to make popcorn (the kids will discuss what is sounds like, looks like, smells like, feels like, and lastly tastes like). If you have one that you'd be willing to let me borrow, please email me ASAP :-) 

Homework is coming soon. Please expect homework in your child's Daily folder next Friday. You will receive a BINGO-like homework form, where your child can choose one activity each night (Mon-Thurs) in addition to reading 10 minutes a night.. Please mark off the activity that your child has chosen to do.  You will turn in the BINGO- like homework form the following Friday. The activities that are not completed will be available for your child to complete the following week until a new month comes up. You will receive a new BINGO-like homework form with new activities the following month.
Please know that the homework is intended only as a way to reinforce what we are doing at school. Please let me know if it becomes more than that for your family. 

FYIs and other Important Reminders
-No school Monday, September 1st
-Early Release, Friday September 5th

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Open House

Thank you, thank you to everyone who took time out of their evening to come to Open House. Even though we've only been in school for 8 days, I hope you were able to get a glimpse of what we are doing. 

By now you've probably heard about Letterland from your little one. If you haven't, let me enlighten you...lol.  Letterland is a special place where letters go and become characters. Only kids can go to Letterland. For example, the letter a becomes Annie Apple. The letter b becomes Bouncy Ben. The character's alliterative name and gesture (ask your child what Annie Apple, Bouncy Ben, or Clever Cat say) helps students associate letter/sound correspondence. 
Want to support our goals at home? Ask your child to share and/or draw a picture of all the Letterland characters they've met so far. Drawing the characters will also help with letter orientation (confusing the letter d for a b, or a p for a q) as well.  Ask your child if there is anyone in your family who's name starts with the same sound as Annie Apple. For example, does your brother Adam have the same beginning sound as Annie Apple? What about your sister Sam? Or have your kiddo tell you some words that start with Annie Apple's sound? Alligator? Aardvark? What about mouse? 

In reading, we have been using our Poem of the Week/read alouds to work on our print concepts
-reading top to bottom
-reading left to right
-reading page by page
-pointing to each word as we read (one to one correspondence)
-identifying the title, front cover, back cover, and title page
-understanding the roles the author and illustrator play in a book (ask your child to share with you our saying/gesture)
Want to support these goals at home? It's easy, just pick up your child's favorite book and read with them. Let them take the lead. Ask them where the title is. What does the author/illustrator do? Ask them where you should start reading and where you should go next. For one to one correspondence, you can point to each word as you read, or if it is a familiar book, have them try. 

In writing, we have been working on conveying our thoughts and ideas through a combination of drawing, dictating, and labeling. A good portion of our time this quarter will be spent having the kiddos draw pictures to tell about something. The important part being that they can share (dictate) what is happening in their picture. In addition, we will focus on having the kiddos label parts of their pictures with at least the first sound of what they are labeling. For example, if they are drawing a picture of a trip to the beach, they should be able to write an 'S' next to the sun or a 'T' next to the beach toy. 
Want to support these goals at home? Have your kiddo draw a picture for their favorite grandma/grandpa, friend, or whomever! They can label it as well. Can your child sound out more than just the first sound of a word? Have them write all the sounds of what they are trying to label. 

In Math, we have been working on
-counting orally to 10
-identifying numbers 1-10
-represent numbers with groups/sets
-using one-to-one correspondence (touch counting) to count groups of objects up to 10
-understanding that groups that look different can represent the same number. For example, five squares in a horizontal line is the same as five squares stacked vertically. 
Want to support our objectives at home? There are plenty of 'teachable moments' at home. For example, you can ask your child to use one-to-one correspondence to count how many toy cars/babies they have. Ask your kiddo to tell you what one-to-one correspondence is (and have them show you the gesture). At a restaurant? As your little guy or gal to find a specific number and/or have them tell you the names of the numbers they see. The possibilities are endless:-) 

A little blurb about 'Gestures'
In our class, I try to associate new concepts and/or sight words with a gesture and visual. Without getting into the science behind it, 'muscle memory' is important in helping kiddos remember and understand an idea, concept, word, etc.. You know the saying, 'It's like riding a bike'? The idea behind it is that you don't forgot how to ride a bike because your muscles have 'muscle memory'. So bottom line, encourage your child to show you the gestures they know. And a big thank you to you in advance from their very grateful teacher for your help with this:-) 

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 2 down in the books!

The second day has come and gone. I don't know about the kids, but boy am I tired! 

Routines and Procedures
Routines and procedures have been a big part of our class for the past two days (and will continue to be for the next few weeks). How to come in during the morning, how to come/sit on the carpet, lining up, walking in the hallway, going to the bathroom, turning in papers....you name it, we are practicing a way to do it:-)

Want to know more about your child's day?
Want to know more about your child's day other than it was 'good' or 'fine'. Ask them about the smileys/sad face. Ask them what class/yes means. Ask them about our rules and their gestures. Ask them what a ten finger whoooo is. 

Transportation Tags
You may have noticed a tag on your child's backpack. This tag lets us know how your child is getting home in the afternoon. Please make sure it stays on there until at least the end of August. And as always, please don't hesitate to email me should you need another one:-)

Thank you to everyone who has sent in their child's snack in a clear ziplock bag. We have had a few close calls with some kiddos taking a lunch bag to lunch only to have a small snack in it instead :-/ Also, please remember there should only be one snack in the ziplock bag. 

Kindergarten behavior plan
Today, I introduced our behavior plan that was in the Meet the Teacher packet. Each student received 3 blocks. If they needed to be reminded several times about a specific rule, a block was taken away. I explained that if all three blocks were taken away, a note would be written in their green Daily folder about which rule they needed to work on. I explained that if they had 4 good days in a week, then they would participate in Fun Friday. Want to support this plan at home? If you can, take a moment to show your child the Daily folder and explain how you will be checking to see that the followed the rules each day. Reinforce that if they do lose all their cubes, it is ok and will just be an opportunity to practice a specific rule. 

Thank You
Thank you, thank you to everyone who sent in extra glue sticks! They are very much appreciated:-) 

Saturday, August 2, 2014

Meet the Teacher!

Wow! What a turn out. Can you believe that every single family/student from our class came to Meet the Teacher? A big thank you to each and every one of you for taking time out of your Friday afternoon to come and meet me and see our classroom. I hope you are just as excited as I am to start this new year together.

From now until the rest of the year, I will be using his blog to share class updates, class happenings, etc... I am always looking for ways to improve and make it more helpful and parent friendly, so please feel free to email me with any suggestions.

I've had a few parents ask about supplies. If you did not bring them in on Friday, don't worry. You are more than welcome to bring them in anytime. Your child will have access to the supplies they need regardless of when you turn them in. Also, if you have not already purchased them, we are not in need of Ziplock bags (we have a ton left over from last year).

Teacher Wish List
Speaking of supplies, there are a few items that I would love to have for our classroom this year. If you can help, please email me.
-(10) 8quart dish tubs (found at the dollar store)
-glue sticks, glue sticks, and more glue sticks!!!! They are literally like liquid gold in kindergarten...lol!!!
-(1) Birthday Cape
Our classroom theme is superheroes, so if there is anyone crafty out there, I was thinking that maybe we could have a reusable 'Birthday Cape' that the kiddos could wear on their birthday.
-gift cards to Walmart
We would use them for projects and activities throughout the year

Walking your Child to Class
A few parents asked if it was ok to walk their child to class on the first day. And the answer is a resounding, "Of course!!" It is absolutely expected that you would want to walk your child to class on the first day (even the first week) of school.

Meet the Teacher Packet
On Friday, you received a packet with lots of information about our classroom. Please return the student information form and the classroom behavior plan back at your earliest convenience. Please feel free to email should you have any questions or concerns about anything in the packet.

Each day, our class will have snack. Please send your child's snack in a clear Ziplock bag with their first and last name written on it. Please do not send in your child's snack in a lunch bag, as it is difficult to check each child's lunch bag to determine if it is their real lunch or just a snack. In the past, there have been students who accidentally took their snack to lunch instead of their actual lunch:-/

Boo hoo/Yahoo Breakfast
Our PTA will be hosting a 'Boo Hoo/Yahoo' breakfast for our track 4 Kindergarten parents in the media center from 8:45-9:15 on Monday morning. It is a great opportunity to have some coffee, munch on some donuts and meet some kindergarten parents.

I hope you found these tips helpful. I look forward to a successful year together :-)