Wow! What a turn out. Can you believe that every single family/student from our class came to Meet the Teacher? A big thank you to each and every one of you for taking time out of your Friday afternoon to come and meet me and see our classroom. I hope you are just as excited as I am to start this new year together.
From now until the rest of the year, I will be using his blog to share class updates, class happenings, etc... I am always looking for ways to improve and make it more helpful and parent friendly, so please feel free to email me with any suggestions.
I've had a few parents ask about supplies. If you did not bring them in on Friday, don't worry. You are more than welcome to bring them in anytime. Your child will have access to the supplies they need regardless of when you turn them in. Also, if you have not already purchased them, we are not in need of Ziplock bags (we have a ton left over from last year).
Teacher Wish List
Speaking of supplies, there are a few items that I would love to have for our classroom this year. If you can help, please email me.
-(10) 8quart dish tubs (found at the dollar store)
-glue sticks, glue sticks, and more glue sticks!!!! They are literally like liquid gold in!!!
-(1) Birthday Cape
Our classroom theme is superheroes, so if there is anyone crafty out there, I was thinking that maybe we could have a reusable 'Birthday Cape' that the kiddos could wear on their birthday.
-gift cards to Walmart
We would use them for projects and activities throughout the year
Walking your Child to Class
A few parents asked if it was ok to walk their child to class on the first day. And the answer is a resounding, "Of course!!" It is absolutely expected that you would want to walk your child to class on the first day (even the first week) of school.
Meet the Teacher Packet
On Friday, you received a packet with lots of information about our classroom. Please return the student information form and the classroom behavior plan back at your earliest convenience. Please feel free to email should you have any questions or concerns about anything in the packet.
Each day, our class will have snack. Please send your child's snack in a clear Ziplock bag with their first and last name written on it. Please do not send in your child's snack in a lunch bag, as it is difficult to check each child's lunch bag to determine if it is their real lunch or just a snack. In the past, there have been students who accidentally took their snack to lunch instead of their actual lunch:-/
Boo hoo/Yahoo Breakfast
Our PTA will be hosting a 'Boo Hoo/Yahoo' breakfast for our track 4 Kindergarten parents in the media center from 8:45-9:15 on Monday morning. It is a great opportunity to have some coffee, munch on some donuts and meet some kindergarten parents.
I hope you found these tips helpful. I look forward to a successful year together :-)
Very helpful to have all of this information on a blog and thank you for taking care of our little ones!