Make Up Days
Wake county has announced the make up days for the past 2 days.
-this Saturday, Feb 1st
In order to make Saturday fun, it will be Pajama Day for track 4.
-Saturday, May 31st
Now, on to the important stuff...
In math, we are continuing our unit on geometry by focusing on 3D shapes including,
-rectangular prisim
Our goal is to describe and compare/contrast these shapes by telling the number of vertices, the number of faces (the flat parts), and the shape of the face. To help support this goal at home, ask your child to sing the song for each shape, as well as identify/describe 3D shapes in their daily life (and don't forget to send a picture, if you can).
Language Arts
In writing, we have just started to immerse ourselves in the 'how to' genre. We have read (and made) how to's on making a snowflake and how to make a paper heart. As a class, we have noticed that how to's always have:
-steps with numbers (1, 2, 3, etc...)
-sequence words (first, second, third, etc..)
-pictures that teach each step
-all 'how to's help you to make something
Our next step is to write a how to as a class. I am thinking maybe how to make microwave popcorn. Eventually, the kids will get to choose a topic that they are 'experts' at and write a how-to all by themselves. You can support these objectives at home by identifying how to writing and their special parts in their daily life (recipes, making a model airplane). You can also help your child explain orally how to do something using sequence words. For example, if you happen to make a snowman, you might say, 'What do we do first, second, etc...'.
In reading, we have discussed different ways to read a book. This week, we have talked about 'I read, you read' where students read with a partner taking turns reading each page. We have noticed that with this kind of reading, our partners can encourage us, help us sound out unknown words, and praise us for a job well done. In addition, we have also officially started guided reading groups where students meet in a small group with me. Each group is geared towards supporting your child's specific reading needs.
A new homework packet went home with your child this week. Students must choose one activity from the 'reading menu' each night. The accompanying packet much be completed and turned in on Friday. Please email me should you have an questions or concerns:0)
Upcoming Events
There are so many things coming up, so keep an eye out for information regarding
-Mystery Reader
-the 100th day of school (same week as Valentine's Day)
Donations Needed
As part of our 'how to' writing unit, we will be making (and subsequently writing about) bird feeders. We will need:
-Toilet paper and/or paper towel rolls
-A large bag of bird seed
-individual "To-Go" peanut butter packs (enough for 22 students)
Items are needed by Tuesday, February 4th.
Thank you
Thank you to everyone who donated coins on Monday for our bookfair fundraiser. If you are able, please donate any spare change you have when we get back to school.
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