Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Quarter 3 is almost down in the books...

That's right, the end of quarter 3 is almost here. Only 1 more quarter and your babies will be first graders....sniff, sniff. Time really does goes by so quickly!

Make Up Days (new)
Our make up days have been announced and we will have school
-Saturday, March 22nd
-Saturday, March 29th
This does not include our make up days in April and May.

Picture Day
Due to Tuesday's school cancellation, picture day will be rescheduled. I will let you know when the make up dates are announced.

Fun Run
Thank you to everyone who has brought in pledges for our Fun Run. We had 2 students today who were able to get a prize from our PTA grab bag for bringing in their first pledges. We are soooo close to achieving our first class goal of $50, so keep the pledges coming. The kids are so excited knowing they only have to raise a few more dollars in order to have crazy hair day.

Language Arts
In language arts this week, we continue to work on 
-sounding out CVC words (cat, dog, mat, log, pit)
-matching the illustrations and words in a text 
-identifying/sharing the main topic and details of non fiction books
-using our sight word mastery to read level C books. Students are expected to know at least 25 sight words by the end of quarter 3. 
-using strategies such as sounding out unknown words and using the first letter of a word/picture to determine unknown words in books

In writing, we continue to read non fiction texts so we can write an 'All About' book. By the end of this week, the kiddos will have written their second 'All About' book. This one will be all about chickens, complete with a table of contents and subheadings (text features commonly found in non fiction texts). As always, we continue to work on letter formation, end punctuation, capitalizing the first letter of a sentence, using mosltly lowercase letters, and sounding out unknown words. 

In math, we continue to work on sharing and solving take away stories. Ask your child to share with you their favorite strategy to share/solve take away stories
-acting it out?
-drawing a picture?
-using manipulatives?
Last week I mentioned that we are not yet using equations with our math stories, but this week, we have started to use expressions ( 5 -1, with no equal sign). So for example, today we worked on using an expression such as 5-2 and coming up with a math story to share based on it. For example, for 5-2, you could say, "There were 5 frogs sitting on a log. 2 frogs decided to jump in the pond". 
The intention behind creating a story with the expression is for the kiddos to understand how the math story relates to the order of the numbers in the expression. Once they have this under their belt, we can introduce the equal sign and difference/total. 

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