Wednesday, March 5, 2014

What's going on in room 210?

I can't believe it's already Wednesday. Although our early release and subsequent snow day has slowed us down in the curriculum department, we are still chugging along. Below you will find what we are working on (or will be working on) this week.

Language Arts
In reading this week, we have been working on identifying and re-telling the main topic and key details in non-fiction text. The kiddos already know from earlier in the year that we read non-fiction texts to learn about something, as opposed to reading fiction, where we read for fun, to find out about the characters, setting and what problems happen in the story. Today, we re-read a book about koalas (main topic) and learned things such as koalas have two toes and that they eat eucalyptus leaves (details). To support this objective at home, go to the library and let your child check out a book on something they want to know more about (dinosaurs, butterflies, dolphins). Read the book together and talk about the main topic and details. Want to go even further?? Check out an accompanying fiction book, read it, and talk about the differences. For example, you can check out a non-fiction book about dinosaurs and then a fiction book with dinosaurs as the main characters. The kiddos should be able to notice that the fiction book has characters, setting, problem, and solution, whereas the non fiction book gives information about dinosaurs, has a table of contents, and subheadings. 

Sight Words this week: with
Ask your kiddo about the gesture for this word. At this point in the year, your child should be able to identify at least 25 sight words.

In writing this week, we are introducing informational writing (to coincide with our reading objectives) . We will be immersing ourselves in tons of non-fiction texts, filling out KWL charts (what we KNOW and what we WANT TO KNOW) before we start reading. Then after we finish reading, we will fill out the 'L' of the KWL chart (what we LEARNED). We will then use the what we learned portion to write class books that inform others about a particular animal. As always, we continue to focus on our conventions, using a capital letter at the beginning of each sentence, spacing, sounding out words, using sight words, end punctuation, etc...

In math this week, we are finishing up on finding different ways to make a number. For example, 1+4, 2+2, 3+2, 4+1, 5+0 are all ways to make 5. Your child can show you how to do this with this week's math homework. We will be moving on to addition stories later in the week, with the kiddos using pictures, manipulatives, and acting it out to not just share addition stories, but SOLVE them as well. For example, if I shared a story about seeing 3 blue fish and 2 red fish, your kiddo will represent the story with a picture and be able to say/write how many fish there are altogether. 

PTA Fun Run/T-Shirts
Thank you to everyone who has sent in white t-shirts for our fun run. And an especially big thank you to the parents that donated EXTRA shirts. If you haven't already turned a shirt in, please do so by this Friday. 
And another big thank you to Whitney Tribble, Callie Riggs, Jennifer Norris, and Stacy Kozlowski for signing up to help the kiddos create their tie dye t-shirts for the Fun Run. 

Interims will be going home this Friday in your child's Daily folder. 

FYI....Upcoming Homework
Part of next week's homework (going home this Friday) will be to make a leprechaun trap. Please know that the intention of this project is to work on the kiddos' problem solving skills in a fun way. It is not intended as a project for you (the parent) to do (at least, not all of it). Talk to your kiddo about leprechauns, their size, and what they would be attracted to (gold, maybe??). Don't worry about it being or looking perfect. At the end of the day, the kiddos should be excited and proud of what they have created :-).

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