Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to the computer lab we go!

We made or first trip to the computer lab today. With the help of Mrs. O' Grady, the technology teacher, we learned how to log onto the computer using our NC wise numbers, which is no small feat considering most of these numbers are at least 6-digits long! Tomorrow, we will go to the computer lab again and learn how to go to www.starfall.com. Here, the kiddos can practice their letters, sounds, and beginning reading skills. Click on the link to check it out...it's FREE!

In other classroom news, our reading stamina is now up to 6 minutes and 45 seconds (can I get a woot! woot!). We are making a lot of progress towards our daily 5 structure this week. The kiddos have continued to explore the activities in our word work and writing stations and are doing a great job! And big thank you to Mrs. Zajac and Mrs. Maslow for making our "Mystery Sight Word & Mystery Classmate" bottles for our writing station.

In reading this week, our focus is on making connections while we read. This means, being able to relate what we are reading to something we have done (text-to-text connection), something else we have read (text to text connection), or something we know (text-to-world connection). In class today, we tried to encourage these connections after reading our poem of the week by saying, "This reminds me of..." You can help reinforce this when you are reading at home and model for them these connections.

In math, we continue to work on our understanding of numbers 1-10, as well as graphing these numbers to be able to demonstrate and explain more, less, or equal. "Teachable moments" for number sense are all over the place at home, for example, "Do we have more girls in our family or more boys?", "Count the chocolate chips in this bowl." And the best part is, the kids don't even realize they are learning!!!

Thank you all for participating in our 'Spirit Week' this week. The kids have had so much fun dressing up! Also, thank you for donating your loose change to support students in kindergarten who may not be able to go on our field trips.

*Special Note*
Be on the look out for field trip information going home in this week's Friday folder.

**Donations Needed**
Kid-friendly magazines and/or catalogs that the students can use to cut out& paste pictures and words are needed for our Word Work station.

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