Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Apple Day!

Hooray for Apple Day! The kiddos had a blast and reinforced their learning at the same time...

When the kiddos came in in the morning, they helped use the apple peeler/corer to peel/core apples for our apple sauce

Then in math, we cut numbers and their corresponding groups on ten frames. We then played 'Memory' with our seed shaped cards.

Later, we used what we learned in science to describe our apples by their physical properties. Can you guess what their favorite physical property was???? Of course, it was tasting the apples!

We then graphed our favorite kind of apples and determined that most of our classmates liked the green apples the best! 

In the afternoon, Mr. Meares, our wonderful instructional assistant, read the book, Ten Red Apples Up On Top. We then made our own apples up on top using the letters in our name.

And last, but not least, we enjoyed the delicious apple topping we made with some vanilla ice cream. A perfect treat for a cool September day! 

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

What In the World Have We Been Up To????

It's been awhile since I've had an "official" blog update. So, here's a snapshot of what we have been up to in the classroom.

In Math, we continue to work on...
-using one-to-one correspondence (touch counting) to count up to 10 objects in a line or objects that are scattered
-represent numbers with groups of objects
-determining if 2 groups of objects are more than, less, or equal
to each other
-using a tens frame to represent a numbers 1-10

This week, we are learning how to use a 5-group to represent numbers 6-10 and count on from 5. For example, if we are representing the number 7, we would represent it the following way:

XXXXX            XX
5- group            

Then, instead of counting and starting from 1, we would use the 5 group to count on from 5 and say, "5, 6, 7".

In reading, we continue to work on....
-using/understanding reading behaviors such as reading top to bottom, left to right, and page to page to read and enjoy stories
-using our understanding of print concepts (differentiating between a letter and a word, the first/last letter f a word) to read and enjoy stories
-Using the Letterland program to identifying the following uppercase/lowercase letters a, c, d, i, h, o, g, s, t, m, p, and 1 and their sounds
-"reading the illustrations" of a story
That it, looking at the illustrations of a story closely and creating words to match the illustrations.
-recognizing the sight words "I", "see" and "the"
Ask your kiddo for the gestures

In writing, we continue to work on
-using a combination of drawing, writing, and dictating to convey an idea or thought
-making sure the illustration that is drawn supports/matches the idea or thought shared
-labeling the picture with at least beginning sounds
-stringing along letters to represent a sentence that matches the illustration

Apple Day
We will be having Apple Day, Wednesday, September 24th. We will spend the day participating in apple themed, curriculum based activities. However, we will need a something from YOU to help make the day extra special. And that item guessed it....APPLES!! Red apples, yellow apples, and green apples are all needed. So, if you are out at the grocery store this weekend and see a few (or a bag), please think about buying some for our classroom:-)

Field Trip
Mr. Meares, our instructional assistant has been working diligently to collect and receipt the signed field trip forms and payments. If you haven't signed/returned the forms/payment, don't worry! You have next week to turn in the forms. However, please turn them in BEFORE track out, as we are going on our field trip the day after we return, October 21st.

Fall Festival
Our Fall Festival is Friday, October 26th. It is one of the most fun (in my opinion) fundraisers that our PTA during the year. There will be face painting, bounce house, food, and more! And speaking of more, there will also be an auction where each class will sell a themed basket. Our theme, as you probably know is "Baby Love". Thank you to everyone who has donated items including Candice Maher and Liza Kiger!

Things to keep an eye out for...
-Quarter 1 report cards coming home next Friday
-Sign Up form for Quarter 1 conferences
-volunteer opportunities
-Letterland Dress Up Day information

Friday, September 12, 2014

Guess Who We Met With Today????

Our 2nd grade book buddies! Book buddies are a great way for the kiddos to reinforce their reading skills and listen to others read. Even more, it creates a positive connection with students in older grades:-)

Monday, September 8, 2014

Important Events and Updates...

Hopefully, you've had a chance to look at the homework that was sent home on Friday. Please know that the expectation is that ONE activity (in addition to reading with/to your child for 10mins) will be completed ONLY on school days (Fri, Mon-Thurs). Weekends are for you and your family to spend time together. Now, if you know your kiddo has t-ball practice on Thursday night and you want to complete an activity over the weekend, so your child doesn't have to do homework AND t-ball practice on Thursday night, that is completely up to you. I just want my kindergarten families to know that I respect the weekend for family time.

Fall Festival and Class Basket
One of our most exciting PTA events is coming up soon.....The 'Fall Festival' is Friday, September 27th. In addition to jump houses, games, food, and face painting, each class will be auctioning off themed baskets. 
Each class donates items that contribute to the theme, which will then be turned into a basket. Our theme is "Baby Love". Some items to donate might include a onsie, bibs, rattles, a lovey, blankie, a cute picture frame, etc...anything baby. The cuter, the better! The baskets from each class will be available to bid on during the Fall Festival, with all proceeds going to our school:-)

Field Trip 
Thank you to everyone who has returned the field trip form and money for Naylor Farms. October is a perfect time of year to visit a farm. The owner even said the kiddos might be there in time to see a newborn calf (can we all say a collective...aaawwww!). Please remember that if you would like to chaperone, please make sure you have registered at school online (it can only be completed through our school intranet) ASAP. The volunteer clearance process has taken a bit longer since traditional schools have started, and I would not want you to miss going if you have your heart set on it.

Spirit Week
Spirit Week is next week which means there will be some fun dress up days!
Monday 9/15 Neon Day
Tuesday 9/16 Sports Day (wear your favorite sports team jersey/shirt)
Wednesday 9/17 80's Day
Thursday 9/18 Career Day (dress like what you want to be when you grow up)
Friday 9/19 Spirit Day (wear the Banks Road colors)

I will be holding quarter 1 conferences  in the middle of October. I will be sending out a link where you can sign up for conference times/dates.  

Friday, September 5, 2014

Lots of Important Information in Today's Friday Folder....

Just a quick note on this Friday afternoon...

Homework (with instructions) went home today in your child's Daily folder. Please feel free to call or email me should you have any questions or concerns. 

Field Trip Forms
In your child's Daily folder, you will find a field trip form to Naylor Farms. The cost for each child is $16. All children will get a pumpkin to take home. Parents wishing to chaperone this trip must follow the bus or meet us at Naylor Farms. Parents wishing to chaperone MUST be a registered volunteer with Wake county schools. Please note that volunteers must re-register each year. 

Physical Properties Popcorn Party!
As you know, the kiddos have been working on using physical properties (what an object sounds like, looks like, smells like, tastes like, and feels like) to describe an object. In addition, we have been investigating the different materials objects can be made out of including fabric, metal, plastic, rubber, and wood. Today, we put all of our understanding to the test by......making popcorn in a good old fashion popcorn maker. We observed what the popcorn sounded like, looked like, smelled like, tasted like, and felt like). We also discussed what materials the popcorn maker was made out of (plastic and metal). Here are a few pics....

I hope you all have a good weekend!