Thursday, October 24, 2013

And We're Back!

And we're back! The first week of quarter 2 has gone smoothly with the kiddos having all the routines and procedures that were a large part of quarter 1, already under their belt. With that confidence in mind, we are 'kicking it up a notch' and diving into our Daily 5 reading structure. For those of you who didn't read my earlier post, they are:
-Read to self/read to someone
-Listen to reading
-Word work
-Write about reading
-Guided reading 
As I have told the kiddos, all of these centers help them become better readers. In fact, we took a poll today and the kids said they felt smarter after going to their Daily 5 centers. With excitement like that, you can't not help love the little ones ;-) 

Report Cards
Report cards will be going home on Friday. If we have already met for a parent/teacher conference, I have already shared with you if your child is on grade level (level 3) in reading, writing, and math. I have also shared if there are any areas your child needs to work on. Your child's report card should be reflective of what I shared during our conference. Please do not hesitate to call or email should you have any questions or concerns. 
*NOTE: Please excuse any punctuation/formatting errors in the 'comment' section of the report cards. The new report card program did not reflect the comments as the bullet points that I had initially written. 

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