Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Assessment scores, field trips, and holidays....oh my!

Assessment Scores
Today in your child's folder, you will find a brightly colored sheet sharing your child's scores on the mid-year assessments for:
-first sound fluency (naming the first sound in words)
-phoneme segmentation ( breaking up words into sounds)
-nonsense word fluency (saying the sounds in made up words)
-reading fluency and comprehension (the quarter 2 goal for kindergarten students at Banks Road was to be reading on a level B or higher) 
As you know, these objectives are reflected in the weekly homework. If your child did not meet these goals, I have already noted it in their quarter 2 report card. It is important to also note that not meeting these goals may be a reason that leads to possible retention for your child. Please know that if your child did not meet these goals, I and other Banks Road team members are working with your child, so they meet these goals. Please email me should you have any questions and/or concerns. 

Field Trip
A permission form for our upcoming field trip went home in your child's folder yesterday. This field trip will be 'in house' meaning the company will come to us. The cost is $8.50 and will be a hands on field trip correlated to our weather objectives. 

Upcoming events:
Making a Bird Feeder for our 'how to' writing unit
Thank you to everyone who has donated toilet paper rolls to our class to help make our bird feeders next week. However, we still need the following:
-paper towel/toilet paper rolls (enough for 6 students)
-1 bag of bird seed
-a pack of 'to-go' peanut butter (small, individual packs of peanut butter) for 21 students. 
-1 can of 'spray cheese' 

Valentine's Day/100th of School
Since these 2 events fall on the same day (and it's also an early release day), we will be having a combination of Valentine's Day/100th day of school activities. For them, we will need:
-2 large bags of candy hearts
-Several packs of color coded label dots (the ones you might find at a yard sales), enough for each 21 students to have 100 stickers each. They generally come in packs of 500 stickers or more)

Homework This Week
Due to our snow days last week, there will be no homework this week. However, it is still important that you/your child read every night and/or work on sight words, phoneme segmentation, or nonsense word fluency. At this point in the year, your child should be able to sound out most 3 letter words and use their sight word mastery to read. In addition, special emphasis should also be put on comprehension with the kiddos being able to identify the characters, setting, problem (what went wrong), and solution (if its a fiction book). If it is non-fiction, your child should be able to identify the main topic of the book and share interesting facts he/she learned. 
This Friday, the 'homework' for the week will be creating a "100th day Superhero Cape" (a letter will be forthcoming) for our hundredth day of school (capes will be provided, however you are more than welcome to make your own if you would like). 

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