Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 2 down in the books!

The second day has come and gone. I don't know about the kids, but boy am I tired! 

Routines and Procedures
Routines and procedures have been a big part of our class for the past two days (and will continue to be for the next few weeks). How to come in during the morning, how to come/sit on the carpet, lining up, walking in the hallway, going to the bathroom, turning in papers....you name it, we are practicing a way to do it:-)

Want to know more about your child's day?
Want to know more about your child's day other than it was 'good' or 'fine'. Ask them about the smileys/sad face. Ask them what class/yes means. Ask them about our rules and their gestures. Ask them what a ten finger whoooo is. 

Transportation Tags
You may have noticed a tag on your child's backpack. This tag lets us know how your child is getting home in the afternoon. Please make sure it stays on there until at least the end of August. And as always, please don't hesitate to email me should you need another one:-)

Thank you to everyone who has sent in their child's snack in a clear ziplock bag. We have had a few close calls with some kiddos taking a lunch bag to lunch only to have a small snack in it instead :-/ Also, please remember there should only be one snack in the ziplock bag. 

Kindergarten behavior plan
Today, I introduced our behavior plan that was in the Meet the Teacher packet. Each student received 3 blocks. If they needed to be reminded several times about a specific rule, a block was taken away. I explained that if all three blocks were taken away, a note would be written in their green Daily folder about which rule they needed to work on. I explained that if they had 4 good days in a week, then they would participate in Fun Friday. Want to support this plan at home? If you can, take a moment to show your child the Daily folder and explain how you will be checking to see that the followed the rules each day. Reinforce that if they do lose all their cubes, it is ok and will just be an opportunity to practice a specific rule. 

Thank You
Thank you, thank you to everyone who sent in extra glue sticks! They are very much appreciated:-) 

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