Friday, August 31, 2012

What were we up to this week?

Language Arts
In language arts, we continued our focus of print concepts (top to bottom/left to right directionality, front cover, back cover, title page, author, illustrator, identifying letters vs words) as well as introduced the concept of 'return sweep' (when you finish reading a line in book/poem and return back to the next line). In addition, we continued our focus on rhyming words and introduced making predictions about what the text will be about using the cover art, and using the pictures inside the book to help us understand and clarify what we are reading about. Look out for teach-able moments (moments that are apart of your normal day) that you can help reinforce these concepts with your child at home.

In phonics/writing, we were introduced to the letter Aa and Cc. We practiced how to write these letters, as well as what sounds they made. We also learned how every sentence starts with a capital letter, that there are spaces between words in a sentence, and that each sentence has an end mark. Ask your child what an exclamation mark (!)  and question mark (?) sounds/looks like.

We also introduced our very first sight words (I, a) that students should be able to read and identify by sight. Sight words are important, as these words are found in 99% of printed text. To help practice our sight words, we will be creating easy to read books that contain these words each week. Students will then put these books in their 'good-fit' bags that we use during read-the-pictures (read to self) time (see below for more info). Encourage your child to see if they can point out any of our sight words in catalogs, magazines, and/or TV commercials.

As a part of incorporating our Daily 5 structure, our students were introduced to the concept of reading STAMINA this week. We learned that in order to become better readers, we need to build our stamina. Using our previously agreed upon 'read the pictures' rules, our class increased their reading stamina from 45 seconds on Monday, to 4mins and 3 seconds today! That is quite an accomplishment, as it takes a lot of concentration for 23 kindergartners to do this all at the same time. If you have a chance, ask your child what they are most proud of themselves for doing during our 'read the prictures' practice this week.

In math, we are continuing our understanding of numbers 1-10,  concepts of less/more/equal, and how groups of numbers are the same even if they are arranged in different ways (4 dots in a line is equal to 4 dots arranged in a square). Ask your child about the 'Count to 100' song we learned this week.

In science, we introduced our 'properties' unit which includes our five senses. Students learned about our 5 senses and how they help us. Our focus this week was our sense of touch and hearing. We will continue to focus on our senses throughout the next few weeks.

Scholastic Books
*Don't forget to buy some scholastic books online! No sending in money, hoping it gets to your child's teacher. Just click on the link provided in my previous post, add the books you want to your cart, and VIOLA!!! It's that easy.

Volunteer Opportunities
*If you are able to volunteer on a weekly basis, please head over to and look over some volunteering opportunities that are available. Thank you to Ms. Moose, Ms. Salpeck, and Ms.Walters for generously donating their time to volunteer and help us out : -)

It is truly a pleasure being in class with your children each day. Thank you for entrusting me to care and be apart of their lives each day! I hope you have a restful and relaxing Labor Day weekend.

Wish List2 gallon plastic bags (24) to use for library books24 pairs of ear buds for use of I-PODS, etc.. (can be purchased at the dollar store), scented markers, magnetic tape, (24) *8quart dish pan/racks for under chair storage (can be purchased at the dollar store), wikki sticks, pipe cleaners, 24 single subject notebooks, protective sleeve covers, 2 packs of CLEAR spoons, 2 packs of WHITE spoons, and extra snacks for those days when a student forgets to bring one.*Must be an 8quart dish pan/rack, as they are the only ones that will fit securely under student chairs.
Thank you to Ms.Moose for donating 2 gallon plastic bags for our library books.
Thank you to Ms. Snyder for donating plastic protective sleeve covers and 2 gallon plastic bags.

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